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Dear Graham,
It was a pleasure for me to talk to you!
Please find below our invite for the demo day.

Get Global Training demo event invitation

Get Global Training is holding demo sessions of its two most popular business games: Energizer and Blended Learning Simulator moderated by professional facilitators on the 15th of February. I would like to invite you to join and get first-hand experience of our products.

The details of the event are as follows:

Friday 15 February, 2019
3 Robinson Rd, London SE1 8BU, UK at
9 am (Energizer session starts) and
1 pm (BLS session starts)

Please register at

With any questions please call 020 3695 4848.

The sessions are free, but the number of participants is limited, so early registration is highly recommended.
A few words about the games we willdemonstrate in the February 15th sessions:

Energizer is all about soft motivation. Players act as department heads. Using 40 different soft motivation tools they have to build a balanced system of workload and motivation to achieve sustainable high performance of the team in the long run.

Blended Learning Simulator allows the player to develop an annual training program aimed at increasing productivity for three different types of employees: newcomers, mid-level and experienced ones providing differentiated approach to each group. The game software calculates the effectiveness of the chosen programme allowing the player to evaluate the ROI of different L&D tools.

With best regards,
Mira Almas
Founder and CEO
Get Global Training
+44 20 3695 4848

GET Global is an international business games and e-learning gamified solutions provider operating in UK, France, Turkey, Russia, Poland, Austria, Japan, South Africa, and other countries.

We run international Training & Development blended learning programs globally and localize them in different countries.

Our portfolio includes over 60 independently developed unique business games.

We also offer: Global facilitators, Learning transfer solutions, Coaching in 1-1 and group sessions and self-awareness programs, Motivational speakers-astronauts and exciting big games with astronauts.

For further information visit: https://getglobaltraining.com/about-us/

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